Answer group settings for agents

Burhan Kesapli
  • Updated

Answer group settings for agents

As an agent in an answer group there is some settings that you can configure to ease your workday. 

How do I know which answer group the call comes from?

As an agent you can be logged in in serval answer groups at once. To answer appropriate you need to see which group is calling, this is how you do it: 

  • When you receive a call, it will be stated which answer group the person has called at the bottom of the notification. 

  • How a answer group call is displayed on your mobile depends on your organizations' settings in "Display number for calls to agents", please check with your admin/supervisor. Also, if you have activated notifications on mobile with information about the caller, see guide.

How to use activity statuses to determine your availability in answer groups

  • You could either set up a new one or configure an existing
    1. Click on your avatar
    2. Click on VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    3. Click on SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    4. Click on  ADD_SQUARE.svg  to create a new or expand an existing status EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    5. Under answer groups, toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg to determine your availability in answer groups when the status is active
    6. Click save
  • You could either set up a new one or configure an existing

    1. Tap your avatar
    3. Tap SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    4. Tap ADD_SQUARE.svg  to create a new or expand an existing status EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    5. Under answer groups, toggle on ON.svg  / off OFF.svg to determine your availability in answer groups when the status is active
    6. Tap save

Choose which devices answer groups should ring on 

  • You could either set up a new one or configure an existing
    1. Click on your avatar
    2. Click on VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    3. Click on SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    4. Click on  ADD_SQUARE.svg  to create a new or expand an existing status EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    5. Under answer groups, toggle on ON.svg "available in answer groups"
    6. Toggle on ON.svg the device(s) where you want to receive calls
    7. Click save
  • You could either set up a new one or configure an existing

    1. Tap your avatar
    3. Tap SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    4. Tap ADD_SQUARE.svg  to create a new or expand an existing status EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    5. Under answer groups, toggle on ON.svg "available in answer groups"
    6. Toggle on ON.svg the device(s) where you want to receive calls
    7. Tap save


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