Try Conversation Intelligence

Burhan Kesapli
  • Updated
Now you can try Conversation Intelligence for free. You can activate Conversation Intelligence for a specific user, where all calls linked to the user are transcribed, or for an answer group, where all calls to the answer group are transcribed.
  • Click on the gear icon → Organization Settings → Account, and then on Add-ons.

Try Conversation Intelligence for a User

  1. Click on CI for Users.
  2. Select the person who will test Conversation Intelligence.
  3. A recommended package, based on the user’s call volume, will be presented.
  4. Click on Volume Package.
  5. Choose CI for Users - Trial (20 calls included in the trial license).
  6. Click on Create.


Try Conversation Intelligence for an Answer Group

  1. Click on CI for Answer Groups.
  2. Select the answer group that will test Conversation Intelligence.
  3. A recommended package, based on the answer group's call volume, will be presented.
  4. Click on Volume Package.
  5. Choose CI for Answer Groups - Trial (50 calls included in the trial license).
  6. Click on Create.

Once you reach the call limit for Conversation Intelligence, calls will stop being transcribed automatically. However, transcribed calls will always be searchable.

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